Allowing you to reconnect to your body and to a stronger Current Flow of life through Vitalistic Chiropractic Care.
Heal through flow
A Holistic Approach
Current Flow Chiropractic aligns with the original intention of chiropractic, to release interference in the expression of the innate intelligence of the body. Chiropractic is founded on the concept of tone. Tone is the vibration of life on a cellular level oscillating through the nervous system and creates either cohesive connection or nerve tension and laxity, which is palpable to touch.
When cellular connection is impinged either through injury, stress, or confusion, the vibration of life flowing through our body is diminished. The tone of our inner body creates the outer rhythms in our lives. Therefore, the tone of our day creates the music of our lives. We have the capacity to shift our outer realm by living more harmoniously within.
Sohrob Nimrouzi D.C.
Dr. Sohrob was raised in Chicago and followed his heart to Colorado where he spent an extended amount of time in Crested Butte. The mountains shaped Sohrob’s core values around living a healthy lifestyle and a snowboarding injury altered his perspective on health and healthcare. Gravitating more towards the holistic model, he followed the call to enroll in chiropractic school and received a Doctorate of Chiropractic from Life Chiropractic College West with Honors and Clinical Honors…
“Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos - the trees, the clouds, everything” - Thich Nhat Hanh