Vitalistic Chiropractic Care
Vital energy is the expression of life through the body. This innate intelligence that governs the body can become diminished through the stressors of everyday life. Physical traumas, our emotional/mental state, and exposure to toxins can be factors in the decline of vital energy or life force in a system that cause what chiropractors call Subluxations.
A Subluxation, or a Subluxation pattern, develops when a system is experiencing a heightened sense of chaos due to the inability to fully process and adapt to the stressors of life. The inability to release this stored potential energy can affect the body’s ability to function optimally. These alterations can be seen in the biomechanics of the skeletal structure, on a neurological level, as well as changes in the neurochemistry and electromagnetic field of the body.
Through the vitalistic lens, we know that the body has an innate ability to self heal and self regulate so long as there is no interference in the system. Our approach is based on removing any interference within the nervous system - the mind/body connection. To release the stored potential energy and revitalize optimal nerve function within a system through the chiropractic adjustment.