If I don’t have back pain, why would I see a Chiropractor?
Chiropractic can be utilized for more than back and neck pain. People seek chiropractic care for all types of ailments. Instead of treating the condition, chiropractic works with the system as a whole rather than its individual parts. The founding concept behind chiropractic is to liberate the connection and communication channel between the mind and the body to have a greater expression of intelligent life force throughout the system. This type of care can clear tension patterns, energy blocks and remove stress from the nervous system.
If I go to a Chiropractor once, will I have to go forever?
Most people find chiropractic because of some sort of pain they are experiencing, and they will continue to come in until their symptoms dissipate. Other folks will come in as a form of preventative care, likely because they have experienced an injury in the past and realized the impact chiropractic had in their recovery. These people will generally come in intermittently or as soon as symptoms are beginning to develop. There are also people that view chiropractic as a lifestyle and get checked regularly. They are asymptomatic, yet they understand how a clear nervous system can allow ourselves to unwind stress within the body and mind, detoxify stagnant metabolites, help integrate daily experiences, adapt to environmental stressors, and feel the benefits of getting checked on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis by conveying a greater expression of health in their day to day lives.
There is not a need for any of these folks to come back, it’s more of a desire of theirs to return for continual care. Ultimately, the decision for what level and type of care you choose is yours and you will be supported in your decision. At Current Flow Chiropractic, we strive to empower you to tune into and develop a healthy communication channel between your mind, body and spirit. If necessary, we are happy to make recommendations for the frequency of visits based on your individualized needs and current state of health you are in.
Is chiropractic safe for my child?
Chiropractic adjusting techniques are modified to fit a child’s size, weight, and unique spine. Adjustments are gentle and specific to the child’s developing spine and nervous system, which can often use the extra support as they begin navigating their way through the ups and downs of life.
Do you take insurance?
Current Flow Chiropractic is a cash based wellness practice that does not work directly with insurance providers. Many of our clients utilize this care as a holistic, preventative type of care that supports life rather than more common reactive forms of health care. If you have chiropractic coverage we will be happy to provide you with the proper documentation to get reimbursed if you are willing to file yourself. We accept HSA and FSA forms of payment in our office and always welcome open and honest conversations about finances.